

防止进一步水损害的有用提示, safely begin cleaning up and finding a contractor to help repair damage to your property.

尽管采取了适当的预防措施 让你的家为飓风做好准备,损害仍可能发生. One of the first questions on your mind might be about insurance. Let’s explore that question and then how to clean up after a hurricane.


请与您的个人pp王者电子官网公司核实,以确定您的 房子, 公寓 or 租赁财产 在飓风中受到保护吗. This could include damage sustained due to the wind and rain caused by the effects of the hurricane. If your home is located in an area of higher hurricane risk, you could encounter a deductible established solely for hurricanes. And typically, flooding is not covered by a homeowners policy. 与你的代理商谈谈如何获得 洪水pp王者电子官网.


在飓风中,树木倒下,碎片飞扬, 你的车可能正好在路上,并遭受损坏. 综合pp王者电子官网 typically covers the wind and flood damage to your car that is caused by a hurricane. 你需要和你的 pp王者电子官网代理人 before a loss occurs to confirm if you have the coverages you need – especially if you live in an area more at risk for hurricanes.

如果你住在飓风多发地区, following the steps outlined below might help shield your property against further wind and water damage and help prevent injuries to you or your family while you start the cleanup process.


联系你的pp王者电子官网代理人 在你开始清理之前, as they may be able to provide guidance or help you in reporting your claim. Also, don't discard or repair anything prior to reporting the claim.

When you are ready to start the cleanup process, try to use the proper safety gear, such as 安全眼镜、安全帽、口罩、厚手套和防水靴.

  • 检查该区域是否有危险. 在进行任何清理之前,先检查一下房屋. 如果有任何不寻常的气味, 电器或插座附近的水, the structure of the building is questionable or you see any chemicals in the water, check with your local authorities and utilities to verify it's safe to return.
  • 开始把房子弄干. 如果可以的话, 只移除损坏的石膏板, 地毯和垫子, 把湿的踢脚板和橱柜踢板扯下来. 保留掉的地毯的样品. 让你的家尽可能通风良好. 通过拍照来记录你的伤害. To help prevent further rain damage, use tarps to cover as much of your property as possible.
  • 开始清理. If you do the cleaning yourself, be careful not to injure yourself or others. Keep track of the time and money you spend protecting your property. 如果你决定 使用承包商, get a receipt for the cost of labor and materials to give your 声称代表. Don't have any repair work done until you discuss them with your 声称代表. 首先得到一个估计可能是有益的.
  • 记录并拍照. 协助 pp王者电子官网理赔流程、损坏的文件项. You can do this by providing purchase receipts for the damaged items, 拍摄物品,制作 房间到另一个房间库存 丢失或损坏的货物. Include manufacturers' names, dates and places of purchase and prices.
    • 不要扔掉任何昂贵的物品, 比如大型电视和家具, 直到得到你方索赔代表的授权. 这些物品可能需要先检查.
  • 安全存放个人财物. 保护好所有个人财产, 尤其是珠宝之类的小贵重物品, 放在安全的地方,以免被偷.
  • 对古董和艺术品要特别小心. Handle antiques, art objects, sterling and brass with special care. Allow them to dry, but don't oil or rub them since this could damage finishes or surfaces.
  • 木质家具要尽快清洁干燥. Be careful not to rub in abrasives such as soil or plaster that may have fallen on the surfaces.
  • 晾干家具和被褥. Try to dry bedding and upholstered furniture that have minor water damage. However, bedding that has been saturated should be disposed of. 不要在这些物品附近存放其他物品.
  • Dry and clean any carpets and rugs that have minor water damage. Carpet or rugs that have been saturated with water should be disposed of as noted above.
  • 干燥的金属物品. 有助于防止腐蚀, 干燥任何金属物体, 比如家用电器和晾衣架, 然后用适当的清洁溶液摩擦或喷洒.
  • Dry, but don't oil radios, televisions and other electronic devices. Any electronic equipment exposed to water should be professionally serviced before use.


一旦你清理了你的财产, 与您的索赔代表讨论维修工作, 你可以开始修理了, 小心 家居修复骗局. 找一个合格的承包商来完成任何维修.

  • 最好是使用当地有信誉的承包商. 如果维修工作有任何问题, it can be much easier to have it fixed by a local firm than one from out of town.
  • Check your contractor's references by calling your Chamber of Commerce or 商业促进局. Confirm contractors have the experience to handle your repairs.
  • Agree on payment terms with the contractor before you sign anything.


Below are some resources that may help you with your recovery.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 州立农场互助汽车pp王者电子官网公司 and its subsidiaries and affiliates). 虽然我们相信它是可靠和准确的, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. 本信息不用于替代手册, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.







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当飓风需要疏散时, 以下是你可以做些什么来帮助保护你的家, 宠物和财产.


你不能阻止春天的阵雨, but you can prepare your home and surroundings for thunderstorms, 强风和更多.


Actions you can take to help protect your family, home and property when preparing for a hurricane.


Before hurricane season hits, consider preparing your boat in case of a storm. Some advance planning can help protect your boat in a hurricane.