A couple and potential landlord sitting down to negotiate rent.

Can you negotiate rent?

Many renters assume that t在这里's no wiggle room when negotiating rent.

找到一个 apartment, condo or home that balances all of your needs and wants can be challenging. Finding a home that meets your criteria such as location, 成本, amenities and condition, can be a time-consuming and stressful process. Once you've narrowed down your choices, do you need to sign right away 或者你能想办法节省或在你的协议中加入更多的租金优惠吗? 租金谈判的回旋余地比一些人想象的要大,而且省钱的方式也不同. 有些人可能会用省下来的钱马上还给你,而另一些人则更注重时间和生活质量. Consider these tips for negotiating rent.

Do your research ahead of time

了解租赁市场是协商租金价格或获得租金折扣的重要组成部分. 找出类似地方和地点的租金可以给你提供杠杆.

物业经理或业主声称有一排急切的房客等着占用你的位置,这并不罕见. That may not be true. Find out if the rent is lower than that of similar units. If so, it might not be worth negotiating rent. If a rental seems overpriced, or has been sitting on the market for months, you'll be in a stronger position. 一般, 冬天是谈判的好时机,因为在一年中的这个时候通常很难找到租客. 夏季是租房的旺季,所以在这个季节进行谈判可能需要你做更多的工作.

Sell yourself as a tenant worth having

个人推荐信可以让业主或物业经理相信你是一个值得拥有的房客. 从以前的业主或其他人可以证明你定期支付租金的几封信是有帮助的. If you have never rented before, get letters that speak to your character such as a former boss, neighbor or someone from your church. 这些信还应该包括一些信息,表明你是负责任的,保持你的 residence in good shape and make timely payments. 不要害怕问业主或物业经理需要什么.

Check for discounts

房东、业主和物业经理重视一致性和充分入住率. 如果你可以提前支付几个月的租金,或者提前支付整个租期, 他们可能会提供折扣,甚至升级到更好的单位或房产. 一定要询问其他可以节省租金的方法.

Ask about extending the lease

保持出租单位的高入住率对出租业主有利. 如果你确信你正在谈判的租金确实是你想住的地方,比正常的租约(比如)更长, 18 months versus a traditional 12 months), ask if a discount such as a free month of rent is offered. Be sure to ask if extending the lease term is an option.

Give up something

Many tenants want to tally the list of what they get with a lease, but you may be able to give up something in exchange for flexibility. 例如, if parking spots are in demand and you don't need one, your landlord may find that appealing and work with you. Can you do small maintenance tasks yourself if something goes wrong in the rental? If so, perhaps some discount would be offered.

Consider what you don't absolutely need. 如果公寓里有健身房、游泳池或洗衣房,你真的需要这些设施吗? Is a first-floor unit less expensive than upper-floor units? 考虑一下你可以给予或做些什么来协商价格或获得租金折扣.

Inquire about benefits

Negotiate for more, not always to save more. A few options could be a better parking spot, 住宅大楼中较高楼层的单元或车库中供住宅使用的停车位. Consider and ask for what you desire.

See about tenant referrals

许多租赁公司、物业经理或房东都会向租客提供推荐奖金. If they do not already do that, 考虑一下,你是否可以通过帮助他们宣传空置单位或向其他人推荐该综合体或单位,在你的租约中获得推荐交易.

Get handy or get some upgrades

如果你的 apartment could use a paint job and you're an experienced DIYer, 为你的生活空间的视觉升级提供你的努力. 只要确保以书面形式清楚地说明谁负责支付用品费用. Or, if your appliances or other amenities are due for an upgrade, 你可能会把它或其他一些刷新作为你租约的一部分.

Negotiation is a little give and take, 因此,准备好在中间达成一笔交易,这对你和你的财务以及你的物业经理或房东都是成功的, 太.


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租金, 如果在签订租赁协议之前没有与房东充分讨论押金和费用,有时会变得棘手.