Woman at computer determining what to do with tax refund.


If you're wondering what to do with your tax refund, 在这里 are a few ideas to consider.

A tax refund can be used for many things such as tackling debt or investing in your future. Here are some options you may want to consider when deciding how to spend your tax refund.

1. 增加应急基金

A good rule of thumb is to save the equivalent of three to six months’ worth of income in an 应急基金. By using your tax refund to either start or increase your 应急基金, you can help prepare yourself to cover expenses in an emergency.

2. 减少债务

考虑用你的退税来 帮你还清债务. Focus on the debt with the smallest balance or with the highest interest rate to help reduce your overall debt and pay less on interest/fees.

3. 增加你的退休储蓄

It’s never too early to start saving for retirement. 如果你的功课落后了 退休储蓄计划, your tax refund might help you get caught up.

4. 为大学基金捐款

You may want to consider using your tax refund to start, or add to, an education savings plan. This can be a great way to get a head start on 给予教育作为礼物.

5. 为自己投资

Have you put off continuing education because you didn't have the funds? Your refund might provide a good start toward tuition. You could also make an investment in your health by getting a personal trainer, updating your home exercise equipment or joining a gym.

6. 投资你的未来

考虑用你的退款来帮助别人 资助一项投资. 随着时间的推移, investments can grow your money faster than traditional savings account by earning higher returns but can carry higher risk.

7. 提高家庭的能源效率

Money you spend on improving the energy efficiency of your home can often have a big payoff in 减少能源开支. In addition, many ENERGY STAR® appliances meet the requirement for a utility company discount.

8. 加强你的人寿pp王者电子官网

If it's been a while since you’ve reviewed your life insurance coverage, 也许和你的朋友一起去看看是个好主意 州立农场代理 来帮助你 确定正确的覆盖水平 满足你的需求.

9. 支持你关心的事业

找一个原因, 慈善机构 or organization you feel passionate about and donate a portion of your refund to it. 你的贡献, 与其他添加, could make a bigger impact than you think and may even be tax deductible.

10. 修理或更换重要物品

Use your refund to help pay for a much-needed repair or replacement of an item such as a furnace or a washing machine.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources not associated with 状态 Farm® (including 状态 Farm Mutual 汽车mobile pp王者电子官网 Company and its subsidiaries and affiliates). While we believe it to be reliable and accurate, we do not warrant the accuracy or reliability of the information. 州立农场不负责, 不赞同或赞同, 隐式或显式, the content of any third party sites that might be hyperlinked from this page. The information is not intended to replace manuals, instructions or information provided by a manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional, or to affect coverage under any applicable insurance policy. These suggestions are not a complete list of every loss control measure. 状态 Farm makes no guarantees of results from use of this information.

Neither 状态 Farm nor its agents provide tax or legal advice.

Each 状态 Farm insurer has sole financial responsibility for its own products.

状态 Farm 人寿pp王者电子官网 Company (Not licensed in MA, NY or WI)
状态 Farm 生活 and Accident Assurance Company (Licensed in NY and WI)




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Having extra cash in an 应急基金 comes in handy when life throws you something unexpected.


Reminders and tips when preparing for tax season.

Do your own taxes or hire a tax professional

Figuring out how to do your own taxes can seem complicated, but the alternative of hiring a pro can be costly. 这里有一些帮助.


From your income to your children's future education, 在这里's what to consider when you buy life insurance.